For me Thanksgiving is a day to breathe. It is a day to reflect on all that is good and to remember not only what we are thankful for but also why we are thankful. I have a lot of blessings in this life. I really love my job, I have an awesome husband and family. I have great friends and good health. This year my family is celebrating Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 20th. My nephew, Wally, is home from the Navy and then he will be stationed in New Hampshire. He won't be home for the holidays this year so we are doing what the government has done many times: changing the date of a holiday to fit our needs.
For me this date change is perfect. It has been at least 20 years since I have been to Augusta for Thanksgiving. That commercial hype I mentioned before has kept me in Dillon. The store is closed Thanksgiving day but the day after (Black Friday) has me at work going nonstop until we close the store on Christmas Eve. Travelling for Thanksgiving just never happened. I love Bill's family and always enjoy time spent with them but that being said I am really excited to spending this holiday up north.
I am looking forward to time spent with family and friends and to a few days off before the whirlwind of activities begin. We have the festival of trees, 7 book signings, the Christmas stroll, the Parade of Lights, holiday open houses, Christmas parties, storytimes, the Winter Festival, a polar plunge and somewhere in there we should put up some decorations at home. I love this time of year and equally love when it is over.
But for now I am thinking about Thanksgiving. I am thinking about taking a moment of quiet and reflection. I am hoping that the grizzly bear has bedded down for the winter or left the area so that I can walk in the field with my Dad. I am thinking about playing scrabble and drinking tea and showing my Mom how to put her photos on facebook. I am thinking about being in Augusta and how I always get re-energized when I am there. I am thinking about my nieces and nephews and how they make me laugh and give me hope for the future and of course I am thinking about my Dad's prime rib and my Mom's stuffing and pumpkin pie.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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