I am a self admitted geek. I loved the first day of school. I couldn't wait to be back in the classroom among the books and my friends. I have fond memories of "most" of my teachers....Mrs. Troy, now in her 90's, my 3rd grade teacher is still a cherished friend. There was also Mrs. Carlson (Kindergarden), Mrs. Rada (1st grade), Mrs. Tuomi (5th grade), Mr. Rhonke (Business classes and the school paper), Miss Boley (English) and of course Mr. Wilson (history).
There is definite proof that our summer (although brief) is winding down as the soil prepares itself for the next season. We have sunflowers and sweetpeas blooming. The border along our fence is stunning with the array of oranges, yellows and reds and this morning the dew on the windshield was almost frost. I still have the urge every August to purchase #2 pencils, notebooks, erasers, glue, pens, and paper. I look forward to the county fair and I want to go shopping for new shoes, socks and underwear.
While growing up the stores in downtown Great Falls hosted sidewalk sales during fair week. It was always an adventure and we would hit the stores and eventually we would all meet back at my Aunt Pat and Uncle Floyd's bar (That Bar) and then head over to the state fair.

After about the age of 12 I had my own money to spend on back to school items and the fair. I would save my money from babysitting and it would burn a hole in my pocket all summer but it was so worth the wait to feel that independence as I shopped. I would get books and trinkets, pick out my own clothes and pay for them. At the fair I would get conned my a smooth talking carney and end up with a much smaller version of the prize I really wanted and a lot less money in my pocket. There were the rides................not the best for me. But great for my younger sisters who had no fear. I would always end up going just because I couldn't be upstaged by them and I would end up pale and nauseous. I really miss those days.

Now it is August and I really wish I was talking on the phone (rotary dial) to my friends about what we are going to where tomorrow while I gaze lovingly at my new stack of school supplies. The freshly sharpened pencils, the notebooks waiting to be written in, being teased by my brave little sisters about how I am more school than cool (and secretly agreeing with them) There is just something about the first day of school that can never be duplicated.
Love this. Love new shoes. ;p